Esto es Genial!

28 de diciembre de 2014

Lost in... Lust or a bigger feeling?

I certainly don´t know when was the las time my mind got blocked after kissing the ribs with all the lust on my hands feeling her heart beating and listening her breath reaction for every move I took looking for weak points, looking for hear eyes in the middle of silence and darkness, lips and bites...

Was it part of me screaming to stop and go for seduction? get drunk and drowned by her essence expressed on movements that only my skin could understand?... Well I do know that my heart is about to explode in a thousand pieces if I don´t write the instinct that I´m trying to hold, trying to kill and learn that every moment I am on her side life itself becomes a redemption for every sin I have done, created and give in mi hole life.

My mind is taking control over my heart and my heart taking control over my body, an old animal that was used to be superficial is dying under her grace and voice, hugs and fingers... I called at once this myth madness but today that name has changed too damn much JAJAJAJAJA, just picture me completing this paragraphs after midnight trying to find the right words and you will get an easy conclusion about how drowned am I.

There is something to say... and will be told in the right moment with the right feeling, is not about time and place anymore because those thing dissapear on her presence...

7 de diciembre de 2014

Death air..

Only 1 breath can leave this place after reading a short story ....

The time has come and the white blind fox was running to escape from the end`s  end, as long as he keeps looking forward a new way finds him to return where he belongs, where he is running from... I`ve seen the fox tired thinking on the last feeling he can reach inside to evolve it in energy so pure that makes his hope stronger and real for his own heart and body, no one can stop him as long he still feels that everything behind is a lie, is karma trying to get him, to stop him.

A pair of eyes caught his breath, this eyes steal every piece of time and so on the world stop only for him becoming gray and sad, but the eyes only use a kiss to remind him that there is an exit heading away from the end`s end, The fox starts to smell the eyes as he keeps walking slowly and decently after running around the world more than twice, as soon he approach the eyes they decide to figure out each other and talk.

- How many times have you stop the world?
- The same as the times you have look back in your curse.
- ... Can I dream for a while?
- ... I`ll wake you up.

Days passed and the fox couldn`t sleep, his mind and soul were doubting about the eyes intention, so the eyes understood and started to talk again about how fast the fox has run to escape, and how far the fox has gone to keep alive, the eyes started to tell a story about the world in the main beginning to get his trust, to let him sleep, but the fox couldn`t sleep captured by the eyes energy and beauty.

The fox answer with a story about something called love to get the eyes intention, so the eyes started to look deeper in the fox`s eyes but no trick was planned, the fox deep feeling was similar to the last sea wave in summer... The eyes believed in the fox and fox trust in the eyes...

The eyes warned the fox about running again and keep escaping, about how everything will come back to life, how the end`s end will go for him again, about how time is monster that cannot be stopped for much longer, so the fox started sleeping and said...

-There is no reason to run anymore, I`m no longer alone.

The eyes started to cry to ask over and over why will he sleep now that the time will get him... The fox turn around  to face the end`s end and closed his eyes saying "I found what I need, I found the reason to meet the end, I found you" The eyes couldn`t handle anymore and let the time get him while their energy dissapear in a death air... The eyes died watching the white blind fox die... 

The time destroiyed everything around remembering the fox and the eyes conversation, remembering the beauty of a feeling growing and being sacrificed with every heart beat, so the time went back on itself and stopped in the very moment the eyes catch the blind fox breath, ni the very moment the eyes told the time "please stop, I`ll give him a reason to live again, to sleep again". As soon the time realize the eyes feeling and the fox decision, the time started to think what to do if the fox dies, if there is no one to catch, so the time stop running, went back and decided to walk slowly behind the fox looking for the eyes...

Love is the price that any animal or god will pay to feel alive... at least one time in their lives.

27 de noviembre de 2014

Face it, im the bad choice...

Pretty easy to read right? Well is pretty fucked up to feel it and breath it every day and every second you move and live... my life was really simple before when I had a hope about feelings and seduction jajaja the thing is that I can reach what ever I want after dreaming it, and don´t get me wrong is a cool super power that is tied to patience and time.

What the fuck just happened? ok lets go back in time a few years:

  1. I wanted a band and I found brothers
  2. I needed some inspiration so I play with someone feelings to find a new part of me
  3. I found a new feeling that will make me feel bored in less than a year
  4. And finally I will realize again that I don´t fit on any girl`s life unless she needs help
Oh come on! give a fucking break I`m not a saint... maybe a lover or a fighter but not a saint like the rest of you mother fuckers that stil run after sex :D, why am I writing like this again? simple, I did it! I live everything I dreamed or thought a few years back... cool now what?... I don´t fucking now you tell me.

is not about a pornstar girlfriend or a lot of money, I just felt sing and achieve everything I wanted to feel a piece of life good and a wrong one... I lost a female friend because I didn´t feel anything for her, I´m interested in a person that doesn´t need me at all but I can see myself already kissing her, however I quit to them for their own good and they will never know shit about this.

I got a nice call this week that can become in a nice sex let´s see what happens with my predator instinct.

8 de abril de 2014


...Básico y letal puede ser este pedazo de doble moral conveniente que termina únicamente en la satisfacción personal que nadie debe enterarse...

¿Pero que lo provoca?

En mi caso fue tan sencillo como un alma de piel tersa, mirada profunda como el mar mas turbio que me incita a navegar por curiosidad cada cm de su mundo, yo no veo sonrisas solo quiero robarme un pedazo de su vida (tal vez todo el pastel) y transmutarlo en la sonrisa mas natural acompañado de la picardia que puedo generar al entregar infinitamente lo que deba corresponder a esta personalidad que se ha presentado en medio de la noche sin razón o motivo alguno.

Otro libro se cerrará y dejará páginas regadas con tinta brusca del pasado y un millón de reclamos sobre mi comportamiento pero si renunciar a la pasión fue fácil, mucho mas fácil será quitarse la mascara de la verdad y aceptar frente a frente en el presente con los ojos mas descarados el final de un tiempo que solo depende de las sabanas y el cuerpo, por que la mente ya esta en otra isla de puerto maltrecho y castillo deteriorado.

Instinto es eso que todos acusan al actuar sin pensar, ese que al final genera sonrisas propias en silencio vagabundo de fiel comportamiento y cero explicaciones ante el mundo, solo mi confidente sabrá lo que siento, solo ella tendrá mi ansiedad de media noche ante su mesa para servirse cuantas veces sean necesarias y logre darse cuenta que estoy ahí para mejorar su mundo si me da la entrada sentimental que debe cuidar con recelo.

...Instinto es eso a lo que muchos le dicen "haz lo que dicta tu corazón" solo que el mio dicta lo que nadie quiere hacer y se justifica por su propio sentido de introspección que busca el equilibrio de tener en mis manos su respiración y en mi poder su tranquilidad.